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Santa is Coming to Town!!

The annual Lawrenceburg Christmas parade scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 5, has been cancelled.  A statement from the City of Lawrenceburg explains that “Unfortunately, this year we are having to cancel the Christmas Parade.  With the new mandates, this prohibits the ACHS Marching band, sports teams, and groups from participating.  Anderson County alone had 25 positive cases yesterday.  We looked at doing a reverse parade, but lack of early community interest did not make it feasible.  With the success of the drive thru Light Up Lawrenceburg this past week we plan on having Santa on top of the antique firetruck at The Green on Saturday, December 5 from 11:00 am until 1:00 p.m. (weather permitting).  This will give kids an opportunity to have their photo made with Santa while dropping off their letter.”